The "Trish and Ros" Show has been a fundraising double act for years!. Their delicious cakes and tombola stall on the Eye Clinic at CRH  is a real highlight of the year and it is just getting bigger and bigger. 

This year saw Giant's rugby legend Eorl Crabtree win a handbag in the raffle and he was thrilled to support our ladies. In all they raised £1400.

They were nominated for a Star Award by Heather Robinson and for the first time ever there was a tie for first place. Their co-winner will be revealed very soon.

When Owen turned up for Ros and Trish there were tears yet the duo also revealed they are already looking ahead to this year's event and are appealing for colleagues' unwanted Xmas presents.

Trish and Ros said: "We just enjoy it so much, it started small and it's snowballed. We've learned how to "stalk" people for prizes - in a nice way though haha!  We're amazed!" 

Ros, said:  "I  thought I was getting in trouble for wearing a cardigan when we was called for this meeting, when actually it was for a piccy. Haha!" 

Trish, said:  "It's a good birthday present for me.  It's just so lovely - but I'm not saying how old I am! "

Their nominator Heather Robinson said "Every year Trish and Ros do a coffee morning for Macmillan and each year their stall gets bigger and better. In their own time they collect raffle prizes from local businesses, bake cakes and buns to sell. Trish gets out her knitting needles to knit things for the event and they collect and set up the tombola stall. They work hard promoting the event around the hospital. This year they wanted to raise money specifically for the Trust's Hospital Macmillan unit.

"They gave up their own time and held a Macmillan coffee morning in the Eye Clinic at CRH.  They even invited local celebratory Giants'  Rugby player Eorl Crabtree to come and draw the raffle, and sure enough he came for tea and cake he even won himself a hand-bag on the tombola! 

"They work hard every year on this event and this year was a huge success. All the planning and the event is done in their own time and they love every minute of this. They really do go the extra mile for the charity."

Mary Augustine, said "I have only been here a short time in this department and it is a fantastic team!"

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