Children's Services have undertaken a facilitated table top exercise (TTE) around Business Continuity Management and Service Managers.

They were gvien three scenarios - a widespread infection outbreak, an abduction of a child and a security issue with a young patient receiving mental health care.

Gill Harries, said: "It was all about teamwork where everybody's opinions were important.  We had clinical and non-clinical colleagues there and everybody had ideas and solutions."

The aims of the TTE was to test the FSS BC Plan, raise awareness, review the plan and criticise the requirements for any changes regarding service disruptions and delivering business group part of critical infrastructure.

During the exercises, emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) tools were identified to use, apply and implement responses strategies to initial operational recovery. The additional purposes were to embed integrated emergency responses. The Group were really positive staff, engaging, skilled and loyal to delivery of patients safety was very obvious.

** Comms thanks Gill for taking this.  We can't always get to every event and we love this "in it together" feel a selfie brings.