The Governance and Risk Team, part of the Quality Directorate, held a team workshop to facilitate integrated working. 

Governance and Risk covers a number of different areas within the Trust from Best Practice Guidance, Claims, Clinical Audit, Complaints, Compliance (eg. CQC) Incidents, Inquests, PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service), to Risk Management and Serious Incidents.

Integrating these areas more closely increases effectiveness and efficiency.

The team are now all based in Glen Acre House next to HRI and the aim of the day was to bring them together to look at how they can better support each better and in turn, better support the Trust.

The session was led by Ruth Mason, Associate Director of Organisational Development.

Senior Risk Manager, Angela Legge, said "The session was fun! Ruth has a rare ability to make some challenging processes into a fun activity which left the team feeling engaged and enthused. We discovered more about each other.

"What was more fascinating was the clear ideas emerging about the role and function of Governance and Risk with key phrases emerging such as supporting staff, patient focused, empathy, and sharing learning. We also began to explore how we can better integrate our roles to better help the organisation on a journey to being recognised for a balance of excellence in safety and patient experience."