There’s eight weeks to go to the end of the financial year.

CHFT  - like the majority of Trusts in the country - is facing super-tough challenges especially after this toughest of winters.

Our current financial position is that we are struggling to be in line with our agreed deficit and it is going to be a real challenge.

So, we are relaunching #doingmybit campaign. It’s easy to think this is just an issue for our colleagues in finance but in reality day to day it potentially involves us all.

If everyone had an idea which saved £1 a day then we could save £360,000 by March 31 and that would have a big impact.

We launched #doingmybit  in July last year to engage all colleagues when we knew it was going to get tough. And when the going gets tough, CHFT get going!

#doingmybit  has its own special email hotline for ideas and colleagues have really rallied to make general cost-cutting suggestions. The email is here at

So far these have included:

  • A  review of all mobile phone contracts to ensure they are being used
  • Usage of domestic big bags  – do we need a new one every time?
  • A new check sheet to ensure patients on discharge leave us with all their possessions so there is no need to send again to deliver items which have been left behind.


All suggestions sent into the doyourbit  in-box are assessed  first by finance for their potential then forwarded for investigation and action.

So this is your way of helping the Trust in the last few weeks of the financial year.

Working together we know this Trust is at its best and we look forward to your ideas.

Thanks in anticipation

Gary Boothby.

Director of Finance