The Virtual Ward (which was created with the aim of improving patient experience and reducing re-admissions to hospital) has just rolled out a new electronic LACE screening tool on PASWEB.  The purpose of the LACE tool is to ensure that all vulnerable Medical patients who are aged over 60 or who are already a 30 day readmission, are referred to the Virtual Ward on discharge.  On completion by the discharging ward, the tool automatically gives a risk score which identifies those most at risk of readmission to hospital.  Virtual Ward staff (who are based on Ward 2D at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Ward 6 at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary) can then refer those patients most at risk, onto the caseload for a monitoring period of up to 30 days.

If your ward treats patients who fit into this group, please contact Kerry Gunn on either HRI Ext 5937or CRH Ext 3661 where arrangements can be made for her to come and give some user training – this lasts for approximately 10 -15 minutes.