Twenty doctors, orthoptists, nurses and admin staff from our eye-care team  are taking part in a hike up Snowdon to raise money for specialist equipment which will screen children to see if they need to wear glasses.

They are hoping to raise around £5,500 to buy a plusoptix auto-refractor which is an easy screening gadget.  The children don’t need eye-drops in advance and is especially useful for youngsters and children with special needs to enable the team to identify whether a formal glasses test is necessary.  It is also portable so can be taken into Child Development Units and Schools in our area where the children can be tested in a familiar environment.

Consultants, healthcare assistants, orthoptists and administration staff at HRI and CRH are all part of the team taking part in the seven-mile hike on Saturday, May 9, 2015.

Orthoptist, Aman Mann, said: “It states it takes six hours up and down.  There are lots of different abilities amongst the team but we are all up for the challenge and are taking a really good team spirit to the top of Snowdon. We all aim to make it for the photo on the summit.”

As a start to our adventure we have had a very successful bake sale at both CRH and HRI.

Donate online by visiting, visit the eye clinic to donate in person or ring the orthoptic department at Acre Mills to find out how to donate via post.

** Snowdon is Wales’ highest mountain at 1,085 ft and is the highest in the British Isles outside the Scottish Highlands. Edmund Hillary scaled it as part of his training for the 1953 ascent of Everest.