A series of improvement workshops were recently held with clinical, managerial, and administrative representation to focus on follow-up waiting list validation. This was in response to feedback that the current process was not working for a variety of reasons including capacity issues, administration burden and impact on clinical colleagues. Using our Work Together to Get Results improvement methodology, the group identified the result we would want to see and some possible responses to achieve this. There was recognition that validation cannot be seen totally in isolation but alongside broader actions and improvement work to manage the volume of follow-ups.
As an output of the work so far, clinicians are no longer required to validate overdue holding list requests. These have now been removed from Mpage. The validation team will continue to remove duplicate and superseded requests to minimise incorrect bookings and keep the holding list accurate.
The Mpage system will still be used to highlight incomplete orders for review. These are patients who have been outcomed as needing a further appointment, but no request has been placed. A clinical review is needed to decide next steps. These will also continue to be administratively reviewed first. Please note if there are clear instructions documented within the patient’s EPR record the validation team will be able to act on these without the need for clinical review. For example, if the last letter contains the timeframe for a follow up appointment, the validation team will be able to add this to the EPR system.
If you need any support to use Mpage, please contact validation.team@cht.nhs.uk who will be more than happy to help.