To support Waste Management Training and help refresh knowledge, our Environmental and Waste Team have joined forces with colleagues in ICU at HRI, installing a temporary waste training station with posters, waste bins and educational material covering all things healthcare waste.
Critical Care Senior Sister, Marie Holden, pictured fourth from left, said: “We see the ICU Green Team at HRI as Nigel and Will's Waste Awareness Wombles! That’s 1970s animated waste management at its best - if you're old enough to remember!
"Getting it right with a proactive approach will make significant improvements in your work area."
You can help support awareness in your own team by contacting our Environment & Waste Co-ordinator Will Bennett or Waste Management Officer, Nigel Murphy, if you’d like a personal visit. Or pop into the HRI ICU Seminar Room on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays over the next few weeks between 13:00 and 14:00.
Waste Management Training is currently a one-off Role Specific training course in ESR – look for 372 Waste Training July 2024