Last week the Men's Cancer Support Group said a special thank you to Macmillan Volunteer John Ward, as he handed over the reins to Richard Siebierski, Patient Representative.
John, along with volunteer, Geoff Eagle, set the group up three years ago. Under their guidance the group has gone from strength to strength, with up to 20 regular attendees joining the monthly sessions held at John Smith's Stadium the last Thursday of every month.
Macmillan Information Service Manager, Nicola Greaves, said "It's great timing for International Volunteer Day which is this coming Thursday, 5th December. I want to share my appreciation to John, who has been a huge asset to the service. From organising social events, booking guest speakers and not failing to mention promoting the service each Tuesday morning at the information stand in HRI reception. It has been a pleasure to work with someone so passionate about making a difference for those who have been affected by cancer.
"We are so lucky to have so many great volunteers in the Cancer Information Service, without them we would not be able to continue to deliver our walking group, music group, support sessions, courses and workshops. They are a vital part of our team."
Celebrated every year on 5 December, International Volunteer Day (IVD) looks to recognise and celebrate the efforts of volunteers as well as inspire more individuals to dedicate their time and skills to causes that matter.
In preparation, and ahead our own CHFT Volunteer Appreciation Week, which runs from Monday, 16th December, we’re asking colleagues to share their thanks to our very special volunteers.
Volunteering Services Lead, Stevie Cheesman, said: “Our volunteers always go above and beyond in the service that they provide, offering support to colleagues, patients, carers and visitors. Sometimes they go beyond their role specification to support additional service needs. It’s important we take a few minutes our of our busy days to give our own thanks and appreciation.
"It will be an absolute privilege to share your messages in their newsletter and at their Christmas Party. Our volunteers truly are our unsung heroes who gift their time.”
You can share your thanks via our Microsoft Form.
At CHFT we have 170 volunteers covering:
Meet and Greet Volunteers / Ward Helper Volunteers / Pharmacy Volunteers / Pets as Therapy Volunteers / League of Friends Volunteers / Charity Events Volunteers / Charity Fundraising Volunteers / Cancer Information Support Volunteers / Radio Volunteers / Chaplaincy Volunteers / Stroke Association Volunteers / Children and Young People Volunteers / Experts by Experience Volunteers / Patient Safety Partner Volunteers and Breast-Feeding Peer Support Volunteers.