New members are being recruited to join the West Yorkshire Voice Steering Group.

What is the role of the steering group?

The steering group will oversee the work of West Yorkshire Voice (WYV) by checking that work carried out is in line with the agreed workplan and checking the quality of work being done. 

Who will be on the WYV steering group?

• A representative from West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board’s Communications and Involvement team.

• A representative from a local Integrated Care Board (Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield District).

• A representative from a local Healthwatch.

• West Yorkshire Voice Group members (e.g. network coordinators, professionals supporting people, group leaders, coproduction leads).

• West Yorkshire Voice Individual members (members of the public representing their own views or that of those they support).

What will you be doing?

• Reviewing and signing off reports and other documents or resources (with use of criteria).

• Making decisions about the work that West Yorkshire Voice agrees to be involved in.

• Providing a check and challenge on the work of West Yorkshire Voice.

Who can be involved?

You can be involved if you are over 18 years old and live, work or use health and care services in West Yorkshire.

What do we need from you?

• Be patient.

• Be a good listener.

• Be able to work as part of a team.

• Work on your own initiative.

• Be able to challenge and disagree without being confrontational.

• Be confident in talking to people and giving constructive feedback in a meeting setting and via communication with the West Yorkshire Voice coordinator.

• Approach steering group tasks objectively, with a focus on the aims and priorities of West Yorkshire Voice, rather than own priorities and aims.

How much time do I need to commit?

• Attending 6 x 2-hour Bi-monthly meetings a year (total of 12 hours) or can be involved more flexibly e.g. one-to-one or by email.

• Supporting with providing quality assurance and sign off on work in between meetings – (2-3 hours per month).

• Membership of the steering group will be reviewed and refreshed annually.

What support can we give you?

• Meetings will be flexible times based on needs and preferences of steering group members.

• Meetings held as hybrid meetings so people can attend in person in Leeds (Old Fire Station) or online. Travel expenses reimbursed for travel to in person meetings.

• Documents and resources can be sent in different formats based on the preferences and access needs of the members. 

How do I get involved?

Complete our short ‘expression of interest’ form and tell us a little bit about why you would like to be involved and what you might bring to the role. This doesn’t have to be long, just a paragraph or two. 

If you would prefer, you can send it to us as a video or voice note.

Please send either the form or video/ voice note:

• By email to

• Post to Healthwatch Leeds, Ground Floor, The Old Gipton Fire Station, Gipton Approach, Leeds LS9 6NL

• By WhatsApp: 07496 403 341