This Friday 29th November, groundworks will begin as part of the installation of a new electricity substation to support future building works at CRH. A large trench will be dug in the service yard and there will be no entry for any vehicles, except those who require critical access. 

The service yard is accessed from Dudwell Lane. Once through the barrier, access immediately to the right of the barrier will be blocked off and there will be contractors on site signposting vehicles.

The work is being carried out over the weekend to avoid disruption, and there has been extensive planning with all departments involved. The plan is to have the works completed by Monday 2nd December.

If you have any questions at all during the period of works, please contact the Helpdesk on extension 4600.

A huge thanks to all colleagues who have been involved in the planning and preparation of this stage of the works. This includes our contractors at Heffernan’s and EQUANS who have also carried out test drilling to understand the impacts on nearby departments.

Work continues on our new multi-storey car park. It may appear to be quiet but behind the barriers, deep excavation works are taking place as you can see in the main image. An aerial shot is also below.

Article Attachments
An aerial shot of the car park before the trees lost their leaves
An aerial shot of the car park before the trees lost their leaves