Our Nurse Consultant for Older People and Head of the Acute Frailty Service, Renee Comerford, laced up her running shoes and tackled the Paris Marathon yesterday - in aid of a very personal cause.

Renee, and her friend Donna Pogson, were raising funds for Prostate Cancer UK - a cause very close to the two friends' hearts.

Renee said: “Sadly Ward 21’s Ward Manager, Claire Alletson, was unable to run the race with us, which was a blow as it was going to be her first marathon. The three of us run all the time together at home.

“Claire’s dad Bob sadly died from Prostate Cancer 10 days before the event. He’d been a keen marathon runner and I’m sure she inherited his genes.

"Whilst Claire couldn't join us for the race, we managed to FaceTime her for the last half mile to the finish line. I think Bob would have been proud, and we want to thank everyone who has taken the time to donate to this very personal cause. We've raised a staggering £1,898 so far."

If you'd like to contribute, you can follow this link: Renee, Donna and Claire are fundraising for PROSTATE CANCER UK (justgiving.com)

Renee's advice for newbie runners is: "Just put one foot in front of the other and just try and get out there. It doesn't have to be a race. It's all about you own personal goal. You have to believe to achieve."

Article Attachments
Finisher's medal
Finisher's medal