This week is SAS (Speciality and Associate Specialist) Week and is our chance to celebrate and say thank you to the specialists who make up our SAS workforce.

Every day this week, NHS Employers will be sharing resources to highlight the important work of the SAS doctors and dentists. The themes for each day include:

  • Today: SAS as a career choice and the SAS Charter
  • Tuesday 15 October: Specialist grade
  • Wednesday 16 October: SAS in extended roles and SAS development
  • Thursday 17 October: Equalities and the Medical Workforce Race Equality Standard (MWRES)
  • Friday 18 October: SAS advocate role and SAS Wellbeing.

Specialty Doctor, Dr Sandeep Goyal, is also our SAS advocate here at CHFT and said: "This week we celebrate the role of the SAS group in the NHS. I join you as SAS advocate in this celebration. I am proud to be the SAS advocate for CHFT as I have an opportunity to stand up for the welfare and wellbeing of SAS colleagues."

Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mr Laxmikant Chaudhari, is CHFT's SAS Tutor and said: "I was a former SAS doctor who qualified to be on the specialist register by the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration route (CESR). 

"I believe in giving our SAS colleagues the maximum support to further their goals whether it is for CESR or for professional support and guidance. I play an important role in organising the courses for the Trust for SAS doctors to aid their personal and professional development. I am also here to guide any SAS colleague with appropriate advice."

If you would like to be involved this SAS Week, please see the below resources you can use.