West Yorkshire Combined Authority are co-designing their first Work, Health and Skills Plan to develop a more joined-up offer for residents.

Kada Research has been commissioned to deliver the co-design engagements and develop the plan. There are three phases of engagement planned between now and November 2024, with the full draft plan being completed in January 2025. This is an opportunity to help improve the work, health and skills offer to residents and ensure everyone has the support to lead a healthy life, access to good employment, and the skills needed to thrive.

They are engaging with stakeholders who work across work, health, and skills in West Yorkshire and people who have experiences of health and/or a disability stopping them from entering and/or remaining in paid employment.

A series of online group discussions will take place in the week of the 7th October which will last approximately 75 minutes. We will send information and the questions beforehand.

The online session will be on Microsoft Teams and take place on:

10th October - 2pm - 3:15pm


11th October - 9.30am - 10.45am

Please get in touch with Kada Research if you have any questions or if you are unable to make this time but would like to share your insights.

Email: Louis@kadaresearch.co.uk