This week is Falls Prevention Awareness Week. Colleagues in the support and independence team are working hard to make sure everyone is kept informed and made aware of their service and what they can offer to colleagues and members of the public.

They're kickstarting the week off with an information stall today in the main entrance at CRH, where you'll find Falls Prevention Workers, Jenny Smith and Lisa Gray, available to answer any questions and to give advice on all things fall prevention.

The team will also be putting on a mini taster session of the Finding Your Feet - Strength and Balance Programme. The 13-week exercise and education programme is designed to help people over 50 reduce their falls risk and improve confidence. 

If you can't make it to the stall, look out for the team around CRH, in local Calderdale supermarkets, health centres and even in a few libraries. Lisa and Jenny will be joined by colleague Debbie Beaumont-Lorimer and will be out and about across our communities spreading awareness.

Remember if you know someone who is:

  • Over the age of 50
  • Registered with a Calderdale GP or lives in the Calderdale area
  • Has a fear or history of falling or problems with their balance
  • Feels they would benefit from a falls risk assessment

Then refer to the Support and Independence Team via Gateway to Care on 01422 393 000 or email

You can find more information via the Falls Prevention Service page on our website.