Seamless Home from Hospital is a free service offering support and transport to elderly (people aged 50 and over) and vulnerable patients in Calderdale and parts of Kirklees. They have supported many of our CHFT teams, including Frailty and SDEC for around 10 years. 

The service is provided by Community Transport Calderdale, who work in partnership with Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees to provide this service for all our wards.

Discharge Lounge Ward Manager, Kath Stubbington, said: "As a discharge lounge, Seamless Home are very valuable to us. Their team members are kind, compassionate, friendly, approachable, adaptable and are experienced with excellent communication skills. They are our first port of call to support patients with mobility issues to get home.

"We can book time slots at specific times allowing us to co-ordinate better with family members and care providers for safeguarding on the patient's arrival at home. They will never leave them without checking they are comfortable, warm, and have a drink or nutrition, as we often send patients home with snacks.

"They offer a settling in service too, which we use if we feel a patient may be vulnerable between drop-off and the care provider arriving, so that patients aren't waiting in the Discharge Lounge too long.

"The transport team really do go above and beyond - even staying late to add on extra journeys at the end of their shift. The call handlers, Ben and Corrine especially, are very knowledgeable in taking handovers and establishing patients needs. A great asset to the Trust."

One of their members of staff recently went above and beyond for a patient who had fallen whilst cooking, leaving a boiling pan on the stove without being able to turn it off. Read the full case study in the PDF below.

If you would like to book the service for a patient, ward staff can contact the co-ordinators on 0300 0200 213 any day between 10:00 - 17:30. Visit their website for more information.

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