Here is a rundown of how Pay Awards will be implemented across CHFT. Increases to salaries and associated back pay will be implemented in October 2024 with the exception of increases from the addition of intermediate pay points for colleagues in band 8a and above, which will be implemented in November 2024.
In all cases, colleagues can choose (if they wish) to receive their back pay in instalments. These do differ and there is a separate form to complete based on your contract, so please read below.
Agenda for Change (AfC) colleagues
The Government has accepted the 2024/2025 recommendations of the NHS Pay Review Body (NHS PRB) and agreed a 5.5% consolidated uplift, backdated to 1 April 2024. Colleagues will receive the increase to their salaries in their October 2024 pay. This will also include a backdated payment to 1 April 2024.
Click here to view the updated AfC pay scales for 2024/2025.
We appreciate that some colleagues may prefer to receive their back pay in instalments, rather than as a lump sum in October. An example of this might be where individuals receive Universal Credit payments, where any changes to monthly income will directly impact the value of these payments.
Colleagues on AfC can take their arrears in instalments of between two and six months.
Colleagues considering this should access appropriate advice (for example through the Universal Credit helpline or Citizens Advice) to understand how receiving these payments in multiple instalments may impact their personal situation.
If you wish to take up the option of receiving the pay award arrears in instalments, please click here and complete the short MS Form by Monday 30 September.
Band 8a and above – intermediate pay points and what it means for backdated pay
The Government also accepted the NHS Pay Review Body recommendation to add “intermediate pay points” to all Agenda for Change bands from 8a and above, since ratified by NHS Staff Council. Colleagues on AfC bands 8a and above will progress to the intermediate pay point after two years at the respective band. This will be backdated to April 2024 with increases to salaries and arrears issued in November 2024 pay.
These colleagues can also choose to take these payments in instalments of between two and five months. If you are Band 8a and above, and wish to receive your pay award arrears in instalments, please complete the short MS Form by Thursday 31 October.
Resident (Junior) Doctors
1. Pay offer for 2023/2024
The Government will invest an average of a further 4.05% into 2023/2024 pay scales for resident doctors.
Uplifts will be applied to the pay scales for the 2016 and 2002 contracts, as well as to local pay scales which mirror those contracts.
The effective date for these changes will be 1 April 2023 and junior doctors will receive a payment to reflect back pay. This will be implemented in October 2024 salaries.
2. Pay for 2024/2025
The Government accepted the recommendations of the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration (DDRB) and uplift each Nodal Point by 6% plus £1000, on a consolidated basis, with an effective date of 1 April 2024. Again, this will be implemented in October 2024 salaries.
The British Medical Association (BMA) have put this offer to its members. The online referendum opened on 19 August 2024 and closes at 11.59pm on 15 September 2024.
Again, we appreciate that some colleagues may prefer to receive their back pay in instalments. If you wish to take up the option of receiving the pay award arrears in instalments, please click here and complete the short MS Form by Monday 30 September.
Click here for detail behind the Government’s revised offer to Consultants for 2023/2024. This offer was accepted by the BMA.
The offer proposed 3.45% of new investment alongside the permanent redeployment of the new Local Clinical Excellence Award funding stream as part of general remuneration from 2024/2025, resulting in a further spend on progression structure of around 1.5%. Funding released through the attrition of consolidated Local Clinical Excellence Awards is now being used to uplift the values for pay points 4 to 7. Detail of this is available in Annex A.
This is in addition to the 6% pay award in 2023/2024. Again, this will be implemented in October 2024 salaries.
The Government also accepted the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB) recommendations for 2024/2025 which means uplifting Consultant salaries by a further 6%.
It is recognised that it may be preferable for some individuals to receive the totality of these payments in multiple instalments (for instance, paid across several months), rather than together in a single month’s pay. Should you wish to receive the pay award arrears in instalments, please click here and complete the short MS Form by Monday 30 September.
If you have any specific questions about the information above please speak to your relevant Payroll Clerk.