Appraisals are a great way to have some dedicated time to discuss your personal development. Ward 18's Ward Clerk, Josh Pickering, recently had his appraisal and we asked him how the whole process went.
Who was your appraisal with? My Ward Manager met with me for my appraisal.
Did you get dedicated time to complete your appraisal? I got enough time to complete my appraisal and my manager also gave me enough time to think of my strengths and weaknesses, as well as what I want to achieve.
How has your appraisal helped you in your role in terms of your development, goals and objectives? It has made me realise what I am good at as well as what I could improve on over the next year in my role. The discussion with my manager has made me think of what roles I could do further down in my career at CHFT. My manager has also worked closely with me to make sure I am more organised to making sure the ward is stocked up with resources as well as other things like transport is arranged for discharge.
What else went well in your appraisal? My appraisal went well as my manager was able to help me with my objectives as well as what I could work on to achieve for my next appraisal. It was also good to have a discussion with my manager like 1-1 to talk about things and how I could feel supported or how I could improve on the ward.
Appraisals Season ends on the 30th September, so make sure you've got your conversation booked in. Find our more on the Appraisal pages of the intranet.