Last week the Care Quality Commission (CQC) came to visit our new A&E at HRI and the Maternity and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at CRH.
Both departments hosted successful engagement visits, delivering informative presentations detailing the work being done in their areas as well as recent developments, followed by a tour of each facility.
Feedback from our CQC colleagues was extremely positive, including: "The A&E is a great environment to provide care and treatment for people who need this service, and the recruitment and retention plans demonstrated real progress alongside a positive staff and patient survey."
They were also impressed after seeing the plans for the maternity bereavement room which was a Should Do recommendation from an earlier visit. They were supportive of our progress across all of the Must Do and Should Do actions which were shared with them during the visit.
Chief Nurse, Lindsay Rudge, said: "A huge thank you from me to all colleagues who directly or indirectly supported both visits. As always, I'm proud to be a part of #TeamCHFT"