A huge thanks to colleagues for continuing to share their feedback about the Park and Ride service. Please continue to share your views through our online form

Please check that you have a copy of the latest timetables

We are continuously shaping the service based on colleague feedback, and because of this some colleagues may have old versions of the timetable. If you’ve printed a timetable to use, please check it’s the most up-to-date version. Our most up-to-date timetables are on the car parking pages of the intranet and also on our website (under the Working for Us pages) - both pages have been updated today, Monday 12th August.

Parking at Savile Moor?

A reminder for colleagues parking at Savile Moor to please park responsibly, leaving enough space at junctions.

Highway Code Rule 250 states that cars must be parked at least 10 metres away from any junction, close to the kerb and facing in the direction of the traffic flow and in a recognised parking place or lay-by.

It is against the Highway Code to park close to a junction (like the car pictured). Please park courteously around Savile Park Moor to avoid getting a parking ticket.

If you want to pause your permit and use our Park and Ride car parks you MUST be registered on our Nexus Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system to make sure your payments are no longer taken from your salary

If you have not yet done this, your monthly car park charge will still be deducted from your salary.

When you register on the car parking pages, please complete the application in full but select the Park and Ride Only option when prompted in the drop down menu. Please provide your payroll number, so we can remove you from payroll. You will receive a refund in your September pay if you register before the 4th of September.

This applies even if you plan to make your own way to work. We need you to register so that we can remove you from the schedule of monthly payroll deductions.

If you are already on Nexus ANPR, please email your registration number and payroll number to reset.parking@cht.nhs.uk