Our Macmillan and Charity teams are joining forces to host a Macmillan Big Coffee Morning event on Friday, 27 September to help raise funds which will be used to help improve the experience of cancer patients and carers within our Trust, including helping support Macmillan's monthly community support groups across Calderdale and Kirklees.

They're asking for teams to get involved and would appreciate colleagues filling out The Big Coffee Morning form to help them better organise the event.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service Manager, Nicola Greaves, said: "From selling raffle tickets, baked goodies and collecting donations, along with any other weird and wonderful activities you can think of, any help will be gratefully received, as it truly makes a difference.

"In the past individual wards and department have done their own thing, but this year we really want to have a joined up approach and have more people involved than ever before."