Here is a brief description of recent policy changes. Please make yourself aware of the changes, as they may also impact training requirements.

You can find all our policies in the Policies and Documents Library. Use key search terms to narrow down your results.

Management of Extravasation Injuries in Adults and Children (excluding neonates)

Updated to include referral to the Plastic Surgical team (page and drug information (monographs) included on EPR via Medusa tab and YCN Adult and Paediatric Chemotherapy Extravasation Policy.

Waste Management Policy

  • The relationship between the Trust and service providers has been clarified along with the organisational responsibilities of each provider.
  • The document has also been revised to include newly appointed positions and changes to job titles.
  • The waste legislation section has been updated with information relating to Duty of Care requirements and regulations.
  • Section on mattresses has been updated following conversation with Tissue Viability.
  • A waste hierarchy has been incorporated which promotes the Trust policy for zero waste to landfill.
  • Changed expiry date of sharp bins to 6 months from 3 months.

Adverse Weather Plan

New Plan to replace Severe Weather and Heatwave Plan

Group Policy for Policy Management

  • Amended to incorporate the new Equality Impact Assessment process introduced on 1 October 2020.
  • Updated Trust Equalities Statement Addition of sections confirming position re strategy, decommissioning of a policy and urgent policy approval.
  • Updated Governance Structure (Sub Committees of Board of Directors). Title change – Executive Assistant to Chief Executive to Executive Support Manager to the Chief Executive

Isolation Policy

  • Reviewed and Appendix 1 and Appendix 3 replaced with an Infectious Diseases Chart.
  • All references to swine flu removed and referred to as seasonal flu.
  • Community information and a summary of the policy have also been added as Appendix 14 and 15 respectively.