Edit Thursday 11 July Tegan has been overwhelmed by the generosity of colleagues. There have been so many donations made that she's now asking for any empty boxes to be dropped off too. Thank you!

Last week Hurricane Beryl hit parts of the Caribbean, devastating many homes and communities on the islands. Our Lead Medical Secretary, Tegan Joseph, is asking for donations to support the people who have been affected.

Tegan's family is from Carriacou in Grenada, which has been badly damaged in the hurricane. Homes have been destroyed, leaving many without anywhere to take shelter. Tegan said: "These houses alone have been around for generations. When I think of my grandma's house in Carriacou, it makes me want to do something. There aren't a lot of resources on the island but I'm in a position where I can help by sending the things they need over."

If you would like to donate, the following items are required:

  • Non-perishable food items
  • Batteries and powerbanks
  • Hygiene items
  • Nappies
  • Children's and adult's clothing
  • Sealed bottled water

You can drop off any donations to the palliative care offices, located on the ground floor at HRI and on the lower ground floor at CRH. Tegan will then take the donations to drop-off hubs which will send the donations to the islands affected by Hurricane Beryl.

Thank you for your support.

For more information email tegan.joseph@cht.nhs.uk or call HRI ext. 2965