Undeterred by the wet weather, scores of walkers took part in this year's Big Hospital Walk yesterday. 

Each year our CHFT Charity hosts the Big Hospital Walk - a fundraising event where participants walk 10k from CRH to HRI. The route takes in the idyllic surroundings of both Calderdale and Kirklees and is an opportunity to stretch your legs and get to know fellow participants a little better, all whilst raising money for our charity.

Charity Manger, Emma Kovaleski, said: "Part of the event is about raising funds, but for us the walk is an annual event which brings our community together. Colleagues come with their family members and dogs, patients and their family members and members of the public all joining in together. It's just about that community spirit and bringing people closer together."

Mayor of Calderdale, Cllr Ann Kingstone, and her consort, Mr David Kingstone, opened the event, wishing all our walkers well before they set off. They were determined through the downpours and heroic up the hills before making it to HRI's wellbeing garden, where they were greeted with a round of applause from volunteers and supporters. Each participant was presented with a medal - including one for Lola the dog (pictured). 

The first to make it to HRI were Learning Centre Librarian, Helen Curtis, and Learning Centre Receptionist, Jayne Britton who both joked: "Where is everyone else?" Helen added: "Even though the walk is relentlessly uphill, all the beautiful views made it worthwhile."

A special shout-out to all the fantastic volunteers who helped at the event, providing water and encouragement to all the walkers. Dermatology Sister, Laura Watts, said: "The volunteers helped a lot - cheering us on! The walk was challenging, but we've really enjoyed it and had a great time."

Wellbeing Advisor, Sam Lindl, said: "It's a different way to get to work but I won't be doing it daily! It's given me a new appreciation for the bypass!" Personal Assistant, Rachel Pickup, added: "A little bit of rain didn't dampen our spirits!"

Next year's event will be on Sunday, 6th July - the day after the NHS' 77th birthday.

Article Attachments
Colleagues just before setting off
Colleagues just before setting off
Halifax Panthers mascot, Paddy, came to support our walkers
Halifax Panthers mascot, Paddy, came to support our walkers
There were plenty of four-legged friends joining in too
There were plenty of four-legged friends joining in too
Setting off!
Setting off!
All smiles from our teams!
All smiles from our teams!
Emma Kovaleski during the walk
Emma Kovaleski during the walk
Our eventual winners! Jayne (left) and Helen
Our eventual winners! Jayne (left) and Helen
More of our walkers during the route
More of our walkers during the route
Thank you to all of our volunteers!
Thank you to all of our volunteers!
Crossing the finish line!
Crossing the finish line!
Laura (right) celebrates finishing the walk
Laura (right) celebrates finishing the walk
A proud moment for Lola as she receives her medal
A proud moment for Lola as she receives her medal