We recently celebrated Clean Air Day and our Sustainability Team gave away around 70 birch and holly saplings to mark the occasion.

The saplings were given away to our colleagues to be planted and enjoyed. If you managed to collect one, please share a photo of your newly-planted sapling via the QR code below or by following this link: CHFT Clean Air Day 2024- Tree Planting (office.com). The QR code can also be found on the care pack you received with the sapling.

It's also your final day to have a say on sustainability at CHFT. Please take two minutes to complete this survey https://forms.office.com/e/RhWgeAX6Ka

Article Attachments
Scan the QR code to upload your planted sapling photos
Scan the QR code to upload your planted sapling photos
Luke Whitely
Luke Whitely
Debbie Grundy and Megan Rank
Debbie Grundy and Megan Rank
More colleagues with their saplings
More colleagues with their saplings
Stuart Sugarman, Will Bennett and Sam Gogh
Stuart Sugarman, Will Bennett and Sam Gogh
Colleagues during Clean Air Day
Colleagues during Clean Air Day