Colleagues on Ward 6AB at CRH have braved a Pretty Muddy event in Leeds, with the aim of having fun, helping to team build and raise funds for Cancer UK.

Staff Nurse, Ann Wickens, said: “We crawled, climbed and slid through an assault course of 5k, which is a little over three miles.

“The course consisted of commando nets, climbing walls, slides and huge rolling mangles.

“It was great fun, but also gave us a chance to have a bit of team building as both wards have had an influx of new staff. This event united us all, including those who didn’t take part as they helped with fund raising.

“We chose to do Pretty Muddy, in Temple Newsam in Leeds, as some colleagues on the wards know people affected by cancer.

“We raised £700 in total and had such a great time that we’re planning to do it again next year.”

Another member of 6AB, Healthcare Assistant, Deborah O’Neill, raised £300 individually. Deborah said:  “It was such fun to be part of this  event and raise money towards Cancer Research.“


Article Attachments
Deborah at the end of the race
Deborah at the end of the race