Our latest Star Award winners prove that working behind the scenes can have just as much impact as working on the frontline. 

Performance Information Lead, Oliver Hutchinson, and Performance and Intelligence Lead, Charlotte Anderson, have been recognised for their work within The Health Informatics Service to provide data to help teams better care for their patients. 

The nomination, submitted by Chief Digital and Information Officer, Rob Birkett, reads: 

"Oliver and Charlotte have both shown how informatics colleagues can improve the experience and outcomes for our patients here at CHFT, exemplifying both One Culture of Care and supporting the delivery of compassionate care.

"Oliver has done this through his work with Outpatient Validation, and Charlotte through her work with the Nursing and Quality teams, providing live and accurate data for teams to better care for patients. Both improving the experience and outcomes for patients and supporting clinicians to deliver care. They both to do this by humbly going about their business, showing One Culture of Care to colleagues across the trust and quietly achieving great things!"

Deputy Medical Director and Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Neeraj Bhasin, said:  "Although in a non-clinical role, Oliver still holds the patient at the focus of what he does. It is always helpful to have Oliver’s contribution in the discussions as he provides a well-considered, trustworthy, and detailed response. Oliver is dedicated to his work and always makes himself available to answer queries and inevitably give an answer. He translates the data in to something the clinical teams can understand. I feel reassured by Oliver's skill, am put at ease by his approach, and enjoy working with him.

"Charlotte has been the key to driving the nursing and quality agenda forward with digital dashboards, being innovative and always looking for solutions to create what is asked. The work that Charlotte has done has resulted in changes at high level meetings where real time data is displayed giving the opportunity in the meeting to triangulate data and deep dive into areas of concern meaning that changes can be made instantly by clinical and operational staff resulting in better care for patients.

Oliver said: "It was a lovely surprise to be presented with the Star Award. I love what I do on a daily basis, and to be recognised for that from colleagues was very humbling. My role is not a patient-facing role, however I endeavour to put the patient outcomes at the centre of my work to support operational and clinical staff to delivery the best care possible."

Charlotte added: "I was really surprised when we won the Award. The whole of the Business Intelligence (BI) team work so hard behind the scenes to help provide intelligence to improve patient care, and it was really nice to be recognised for it. As CHFT are so digitally advanced, we are really lucky that we have all this data at our fingertips that makes work like this possible. I’m very proud of the work we’ve done and I’m really grateful to work for a team where innovation like this is possible."

You can nominate your CHuFT Star on the Staff Awards and appreciation pages of the intranet.