Along with all other NHS providers across West Yorkshire, we have finalised our financial plans for 2024/25 and submitted them to NHS England.

Here at CHFT our plan is to spend £26.3m more than we receive. To get to this planned £26.3m overspend in year, we will still need to save £32.2m (which is 5.9% of our total income).

We know that whoever is in Government after the elections on the 4th July will expect there to be efficiency savings made in the NHS. There have been lots of questions about why we need to do this, how we compare to other trusts, and what happens if we can’t make the savings. So we have put together some questions and answers - you can open them below.

We all need to play our part in identifying where we can make savings, reduce our spend and contribute to the overall all financial position. If you have any ideas or any other questions, speak to your line manager or contact the finance team.

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