Inadine products are widely used across the Trust and previously came with a caution alert. This alert has now been upgraded to contraindications and therefore care should be taken when prescribing the product.

If Inadine is required, it must be prescribed for all patients in hospital and monitored. In the community, Inadine is now a restricted (red) product.

If Inadine is used long-term, clear rationale for use should be documented in the medical notes.


Inadine dressings should not be used:

  • Where there is a known iodine hypersensitivity (allergy)
  • Before and after the use of radio-iodine (until permanent healing)
  • If being treated for kidney problems
  • In pregnant and breast-feeding women
  • In cases of Duhring's herpetiform dermatitis (a specific, rare skin disease)
  • In patients with any thyroid diseases as povidone iodine may be absorbed

Warnings and precautions:

Inadine dressing must be used under medical supervision.

  • In newborn babies and infants up to the age of six months as povidone iodine may be absorbed through broken skin
  • To treat deep ulcerative wounds, burns or large injuries

Medical supervision should be sought if using Inadine dressing for more than one week. Do not reuse. Reuse may result in infection or cross contamination.