Our endoscopy teams have once again received full JAG (Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy) accreditation, following a rigorous review in February that explored all aspects of the service. This is the 20th year in a row that the service has been accredited.

The report states: "The patient journey is private and dignified, which is reflected in the excellent patient feedback. There is an ethos of innovation throughout the service, influenced by both the clinical and management teams, with numerous new projects to improve service and the patient journey. The service needs to be commended on the hard work and planning for maintaining waiting times within the 6-week diagnostic window, despite challenges."

Joanne Priston, Clinical Operations Manager for Endoscopy, said: "We are absolutely over the moon to be re-accredited this year.

"This was the 20th year of our accreditation, so the pressure was really on to maintain it in this milestone year.  Our teams have worked really hard to maintain the quality of our service, as well as keep waiting times down, and it's wonderful to have this recognised with national accreditation."

JAG accreditation is awarded to high-quality gastrointestinal endoscopy services and promotes improvement by highlighting areas of best practice, areas for change and encouraging the continued development of the clinical service. The scheme is regarded as one of the most innovative and effective in the healthcare sector and has been used as a model for other similar schemes in the UK and overseas. 

To be JAG accredited, the units must follow a set of standards that cover all aspects of a high-quality clinical service and are organised into four core components:

  • Clinical quality: Encompassing the service’s role in safe and effective diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management. Key to this is the service infrastructure including leadership and governance
  • Patient experience: This is about the service’s role in providing efficient and patient-centred care, which includes reviewing waiting times, facilities and the environment
  • Workforce: Focuses on effective training and support for colleagues, including the recruitment, retention and continued professional development of team members
  • Training: The training domain reviews the support and development of trainee endoscopists, including appraisal and competencies.
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Endoscopy team at CRH
Endoscopy team at CRH