Colleagues in cellular pathology are preparing for the roll-out of a new technology, which will allow consultant histopathologists to screen slides on a computer, instead of a microscope.

Slides, containing samples requiring investigation, will be placed on a digital slide scanner, which then produces a digital image of the slide.

The benefits of introducing digital pathology to the Trust include potential faster diagnoses for patients and a better work-life balance for consultant histopathologists, as these images can be screened from home.

The images will be available in a shared storage site, which means that if a consultant pathologist would like a second opinion on a slide from another Trust, they can send the request electronically, instead of through the postal system.

CHFT is the second of six trusts working in partnership across West Yorkshire, through the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts, to roll-out the technology.

Michelle McNamara, Cellular Pathology Service Manager at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We’re an unseen part of the hospital, but definitely a crucial part.

“Colleagues in cellular pathology are really excited about the introduction of digital pathology, and the real bonus is working collaboratively with other trusts across the region to deliver it.”

Watch the Trust’s short video describing the impact of digital pathology at CHFT here.