Matron Karen Farrar has bid a fond farewell to colleagues on the Surgical Assessment Unit and Surgical Same Day Emergency Care Unit.

Karen, seated middle, is moving back to support trauma and orthopaedics, and had been their matron for around six years.

She wrote on Facebook: “What an amazing journey we have been on.  Such an amazing and inspirational team who to coin one of my favourite phrases always have their "positive pants" on!

It's been an absolute privilege to have been their matron over the past few years, and one of the highlights of my career for sure. I will miss them dearly.

Fran Howland Emma Armitage, you know what I think of you. You’re both matrons in waiting, leading such a brilliant team and have such a can-do and will-do attitude and it literally shines bright out of you.

And to the brilliant Kate Gordon. If ever I was poorly, I would want Kate at my bedside. She’s a really, really, really compassionate nurse who would walk over hot coals for her patients. I know she would make sure my hair was washed and I looked presentable. Vascular services are so lucky to have you and the patients adore you.

So it's over and out for me. Sarah Wallwork you are so lucky and I know you will love working with these guys ! Enjoy every minute as I have done.

Lots of love matron Karen”

*Karen’s heading back to trauma and orthopaedics, saying: "It’s such a great environment to work in. They are doing some amazing work to get through the backlog of patients. They work so hard with the majority of hip and knee patients going home in one to two days – which is a massive achievement.

"Our two trauma wards are never empty, and we care for some really complex patients who in the midst of multiple co morbidities require major surgery. We will be doing a lot of work with colleagues as their experience is just as important as the patient’s.  

"I truly believe that we all have a contribution to make with job titles being no restriction."