Say hello to our new student nurses and allied healthcare professionals (AHPs) from Huddersfield University, who have joined us today in a new programme of digital placements.

The pioneering scheme – thought to be one of the first in the UK – will see them receive an in-depth view of our technology at CHFT – with the aim of creating digitally-savvy clinicians, who can then become digital champions of the future.

They will work with critical outreach and respiratory teams, the speech and language therapy (SALT) team and district nurses.

Our students will be introduced to virtual consultations with patients being treated at home, exposing them to real-time data documentation and how it can benefit multi-disciplinary team scenarios.

They will also learn how data is used to improve and shape services for the future and build on quality improvements such as monitoring documentation standards.

Chief Digital and Information Officer, Rob Birkett, standing middle, said: “This is the first of a number of initiatives between CHFT and the University of Huddersfield. It is a great example of working with one of our partners and the further alignment of digital with the day-to-day provision of compassionate care here at CHFT. It will also prepare our clinicians of the future for a local career in a modern health and social care system.”