Last week, the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT) launched the WYAAT Five Year Strategy (2024-2029), which reflects on the successes and learnings since the partnership first formed in 2016, as well as setting their ambitions for the future. 

WYAAT was established after the Boards at each of the six trusts decided that something needed to be done to tackle variation and challenges across the region. Its vision is to create a region-wide, efficient, and sustainable healthcare system that embraces best practice to deliver the highest quality care and outcomes for patients. 

The Strategy defines how the six trusts, including CHFT, will continue to work together to achieve this vision, focusing on six priority areas – service delivery, workforce, infrastructure, productivity and efficiency, research, innovation and improvement and ways of working.

You can read the full strategy online: Publications: West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts

You can watch a short video which outlines WYAAT on YouTube.