The wellbeing of our colleagues is a priority. We now know that one in 10 healthcare employees sought help for suicidal thoughts during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic and that the risk of suicide is greater in healthcare workers, when compared to other professional groups. Research studies and the recent NHS national suicide prevention toolkit have all identified that NHS organisations require clearer guidance on how colleagues can support colleagues at risk of suicide to help save lives.

The Staff Psychology Service has recently written new guidance for CHFT colleagues on how to support colleagues at risk of suicide. This guidance has been reviewed and endorsed by local relevant agencies such as West Yorkshire Police and Mental Health Liaison Teams. The guidance includes both education and resources that colleagues can use to gain confidence in having conversations about suicide and it also provides clear procedural guidance on how to respond to colleagues, depending on the level of risk.

By knowing how to recognise and respond to colleagues contemplating suicide, we can all be a part of a compassionate environment which helps colleagues reach the tailored support they may need. The guidance is interactive and includes embedded videos and links to other relevant policies, resources and agencies. Please take time to familiarise yourself with this new guidance as soon as you can.

More information can be found on the Staff Psychology Service page on the intranet.