Chase Cockcroft and Izzy Swindells are helping to give younger people a voice here at CHFT as our first-ever Associate Youth Governors. Hear more from them below about how they're focused on learning more about healthcare, with Chase hoping to become a Paediatric Nurse.

Whilst they represent the views of the public, we also have four vacancies in our staff groups in our current Council of Governor elections. So, if you are in a nurse, midwife, doctor, dentist, ancillary worker, administrative, managerial or clerical role, and want to know more, visit the dedicated elections website. Nominations close at 17:00 on Wednesday 22nd May.

Here's more from Chase and Izzy:

Hello my name is Chase: I live in Linthwaite in the Colne Valley. I am currently at high school studying towards my GCSEs. In September I plan on studying health and social care at college which I am looking forward to and meeting new people. I currently live with my mum, dad and younger sibling. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

Hello my name is Izzy: I am 17 years old and live with my mum, dad and sister in Lindley. My younger sister is called Eleanor and she is 14. I also have a pet cat called Pebble.

What is your role at CHFT?

We are the Trust’s first ever Associate Youth Governors.  Our role is to give younger people a voice on our Council of Governors, and we plan to do this by getting the views of younger people which we will then feed back to the governors.

We’ll also be helping the Membership and Engagement Team with member recruitment and events.

What are you most looking forward to about being a governor?

Chase: I am excited about my new role as a youth governor. I am looking forward to being involved with the Trust and finding out more about healthcare and supporting the views of younger people in the Trust. I have been a patient for the past 18 months at the Rainbow Community Hub and have got to know some of the staff there, who have been very supportive.

The youth forum events have been such a great opportunity for the younger patients to come together and to share their experiences and support each other.

Izzy: The opportunity to work as a part of a team.

What do you want to do when you leave school/college?

Chase: I plan to go to university to study nursing and then I hope to become a Paediatric Nurse.

Izzy: I hope to go to university to study Events Management and then to work in the events management field within the sporting or music industries.

How do you think being a governor will help you in the future?

Chase: Being a Youth Governor I will see a real insight into the practice I have chosen for a career. I hope to contribute some ideas and share my experiences as a young patient.

Izzy: I think it will help me gain more confidence when talking to people.

Who is your hero/heroine and why?

Chase: My mum! Because she is always there for me.

Izzy: Harry Styles because his motto is: treat people with kindness.

Where is your favourite place?

Chase: At home because I love to be with my family.

Izzy: Plymouth Beach because I have family there and every year there is a big firework display at the beach. I also love Wembley Stadium as some of the best gigs I’ve been to have been held there.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

Chase: I have two cats. Daisy and Ted, they are mother and son.

Izzy: I am a big Formula One fan and I love to go to concerts. I’ve been to loads of gigs. My favourite artists are Harry Styles, One Direction, Taylor Swift, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson. I’m also going to see Taylor Swift again in June at Wembley Stadium.

Article Attachments
Izzy loves her gigs - here she is at a Niall Horan concert at Wembley
Izzy loves her gigs - here she is at a Niall Horan concert at Wembley