Colleagues are being asked to take action to help the Trust's financial recovery, including looking at ways to save money in what we do every day.

We are facing a greater financial challenge than before, and our income has grown at a much lower rate than our costs. That means that, just like at home, we need to make changes to live within our means.

Why urgent action is needed

Nationally, the NHS has a huge financial challenge not seen for many years. Here at CHFT, we are forecasting a £40million deficit for 2024/25. This is after making £25million of efficiency savings. 

This the most challenging year financially to date, and your hard work has helped us manage this. This year is different, and it means we need to make different decisions.

NHS England is asking us to reduce headcount as well as costs, and we need to take action before it is imposed upon us.

We need your help

We need to save £25million recurrently and reduce headcount:

  • From 1st May there will be a vacancy freeze for three months initially – this may need to be longer
  • Frontline clinical posts will be exempt
  • A ‘non-pay’ control panel is being implemented where we will block some purchases
  • We will further reduce our use of agency and bank staff
  • Everyone needs to look at ways to save money in what we do every day

Putting our patients first

Any decisions we make will also be subject to an equality and quality impact assessment. Full details of our plans, and how you can help, are in the attached document. 

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