One in 100 people in the UK have Coeliac Disease, but only 36% are diagnosed. That leaves a staggering 500,000 people suffering with unexplained symptoms.

A campaign has been launched to shine a light on Coeliac Disease for Coeliac UK Awareness Month and it begins with an invitation to take the 'is it coeliac disease' assessment, to help you find out if you should be tested or not. 

Dietetic Assistant Practitioners, Aminah Ziarab, Shamila Tufail and Majjda Jamil will be promoting Coeliac Awareness Month with an unmanned information stand at the main entrances of CRH and HRI.

The stand at HRI will run from Monday, 13th to Friday, 17th May.

The CRH stand will run from Monday, 20th to Friday, 24th May.