The Shuri Network and NHS England are working collaboratively to support women from ethnic minority backgrounds to succeed and thrive in digital health and improve patient care.

Their ground-breaking programme has had a hugely positive impact, created a generation of new digital leaders and innovators and has inspired other digital leadership programmes. 

They will be opening applications for the 4th Cohort of Fellowships for their members who work in the NHS and social care in late May/ early June and running a series of webinars for prospective applicants. 

Join the Network to hear about their next Fellowship cohort in 2024/25 with NHS England and sign up for our free webinars for prospective applicants.

Meet their team and Fellows to hear how to apply, how the programme is structured and the positive impact of the Fellowship. 

Read more and register on their website: The Shuri Network Digital Fellowships or see the brochure below.

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