Following our Race Equality Network (REN) Work Together Get Results session last December, we are re-launching the Network and need colleagues to sign up to be involved.

The first meeting is on Monday, 29th April on Microsoft Teams between 12:30 and 13:30 to enable as many colleagues to join as possible. We are pulling together an engaging agenda, which will be circulated soon.

We are asking all existing Network members to let us know if they would still like to be a part of the REN. Please complete this very short form with your email address so we can add you to the new REN Network meetings and make sure you are fully updated.

The current Wider REN chat will be removed after this date, so please make sure you fill out your details if you wish to continue to be a part of the REN.

Deputy Medical Director Neeraj Bhasin, Claims Administrator for Legal Services Polly Shunje, and Quality Improvement Lead for Cancer Services Deehan Mair, co-Chair the group. Deehan said: "Colleagues may not be aware, but we are also looking for any interested colleagues to come forward and join our Network, along with allies.

"Our aim is to ensure this is a flourishing Network which celebrates and educates around the cultural diversity at CHFT.

"We do hope to see you on April 29th. There is so much we can positively influence, and we want that to start here."

As part of the relaunch we are delighted to release our newly developed staff brochure This shows what the Race Equality Network does, and what we’re about.