From next Tuesday 9th April, there will be a new default view for Requests and Care Plans within the Cerner EPR.

Columns will have been added, removed or rearranged.

Why are the changes being made?

  • The most useful details will now be visible at first glance. E.g. a symbol will be displayed for medications to indicate whether they are history, inpatient or discharge medications. This will reduce the risk of mis-selection errors and improve communications to GPs.
  • Requests and Care Plans will be optimally configured for new starters without needing to manually configure.

Who does this affect?

All roles will have this new default view.

What if I don’t like the new default view?

It will be possible for you to manually revert your “Requests and Care Plans” view back to how you need it.

It’s a simple process to change it back. Right click the column header and select Customise View. This will open a screen that allows configuration.