A collaborative effort between teams across CHFT has seen ED performance significantly improve during the month of March. The data shows that, with 77.51% of patients being admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours, the Trust has exceeded the required national target of 76%.

ED Operations Manager, Tom Whittle,  said: "This has been a herculean #TeamCHFT effort across so many different teams - it's not just an ED success story. It's taken a huge amount of collaboration and hard work including colleagues in Resilience, Acute Flow and Transformation (RAFT), portering, pharmacy, SDEC and on our wards to name but a few. 

"I am so proud of our ED teams, particularly with non-admitted performance being above 80% during March. This, combined with an improved admitted performance, means that we've been able to meet the national target this month." 

Chief Operating Officer, Jonny Hammond, said: "Our A&E four-hour performance is not just about achieving a target. It is absolutely about providing the best possible and most timely care to patients who attend our A&Es. The 10% month on month improvement has only been possible due to a typical team approach with a huge co-ordinated effort to ensure that patients can move through our hospital to receive the right care in the right place.

"I’d like to say huge thank you to all who have worked together to get us to 76%. We now need to continue this great work through the rest of the year to make it consistent, even when we are at our busiest.”

Article Attachments
Tom Whittle
Tom Whittle
Some of our colleagues from the CRH ED Team
Some of our colleagues from the CRH ED Team