For the past 18 months, CHFT has been running an enhanced bereavement service, funded by the CHFT charity. 

This service provided support for the next of kin of patients who had died, including phone calls and thoughtfully designed bereavement boxes. The team also supported a lot of our staff on the wards with training in end-of-life care.

The enhanced service came to an end yesterday. Our End-of-Life Care Facilitator, Gillian Sykes, and End-of-Life Care Trainer, Andrea Vickerman, will continue to run The Marigold Café on the first Wednesday of every month in HRI's Hope Centre.

Gillian said: “Feedback for the bereavement cards provided with the boxes was so positive that the Trust has committed to continue sending these out directly from wards and department teams. Thank you in advance for the support as this transition is being made.

“Our colleagues who were supporting the enhanced bereavement service are now moving to new roles. Alex Henderson will be the new Medicine Management Clinical Nurse Specialist, Christine Bostock is a Healthcare Assistant in the Maxillo-Facial Unit and Eilidh Gunson will be working with the Pennine GP Alliance as Cancer Care Coordinator. A huge thank you to all of the End-of-Life Care Team for all their hard work in providing this service for our bereaved relatives.”

The following education sessions will continue:

  • Enhanced communication skills
  • Advance care planning
  • Care of the deceased patient
  • Registered and HCA champions programmes

Please contact Gillian and Andrea on if you have any questions about end-of-life care education or The Marigold Café.

Article Attachments
Gillian and Andrea
Gillian and Andrea