This applies to our adult inpatient wards, SAU and Acute Floors.

CHFT uses the Safer Nursing Care Tool (SNCT) to measure the acuity and dependency of our patients twice a year to inform workforce models, and the majority of ward managers and sisters have been trained in this system.

From Monday 1st April, the categories used for to the three times per day reporting of patient acuity on Safecare will match those of the SNCT for adult in-patient wards, SAU and Acute Floor.  The new categories of 1c (for patients requiring strict 1:1 care) and 1d (for patients requiring the exclusive care of two health professionals at all times) will be available to use.

The Safecare categories will change and reflect the new SNCT to determine care hours required.

To ensure safe staffing, it is imperative that the Safecare data is entered three times per day, so an accurate review of acuity and staffing requirements can be made in the staffing meetings.

You will find the SNCT levels on the Safecare User Guides page in the eRostering section of the intranet, or find it here AIPW_AAU_SNCT_Matrix_A4_2023.pdf ( AIPW_AAU_SNCT_Matrix_A4_2023.pdf (

For any queries please contact: