Our latest CHuFT Star award winners not only cared for their elderly inpatient - they also went the extra mile after the lady’s beloved cat of 20 years sadly died.

Discharge Co-ordinators, Jada Sheriff, pictured holding the award, and Sarah Grocott, right, were nominated by HRI Sister, Rosie Kelly, far left. She said: “They genuinely went above and beyond to make such a horrible time for this lady go as smoothly as possible. They showed such incredible compassionate care and are a huge asset to their team!”

Their involvement came about after Sarah was in the process of discharging the lady home and was informed that her 20-year-old cat had died while the lady had been an inpatient with us.  Rosie added: “The lady was devastated. She had no family to help her and was unable to face it herself. Sarah and Jada, with the lady’s permission, went to her house, and took care of things for her and sorted everything, including, sadly, removing the cat for her.”

Deputy Chief Executive, Rob Aitchison, presented the award to Jada (as Sarah sadly couldn't be there for the presentation), saying: "Congratulations and thank you very much for everything. We should all be taking notes out of your book!  You really captured One Culture of Care looking after this elderly patient. We are incredibly grateful and proud of you both."

You can nominate your CHuFt Star on the Working for Us pages of the website: https://www.cht.nhs.uk/working-for-us/CHuFT star-award