Our International Women's Day celebrations are taking place this Friday, 8th March. 

Come along, or join us on Microsoft Teams to hear inspirational stories and network with colleagues.

Speakers include Chief Nurse Lindsay Rudge, Research Healthcare Professional Zuleikha Mulla, ED Consultant Becky Isles and Lois Riley from Equans.

Date: Friday 8th March

Time: 11:30 -13:00

Location: Meeting Rooms 3 and 4 Third Floor Acre Mills Outpatients or via Microsoft Teams.

Please email Carys.Bentley@cht.nhs.uk for the invite and to let her know if you’ll be attending in person or via Teams.

Carys is also asking for colleagues to fill in the following form, so she can fill the room and online with amazing stories from our female colleagues: International Women's Day Bio Form