Surgical SDEC Sister and Wellbeing Ambassador, Laura Earle, has a passion for recognising everyone as individuals – so when she spotted the phrase ‘call me’ online last year, her brain kicked into action to see how it could be used here at CHFT.

And it's being rolled-out from today in EPR as a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Laura picks up the story: “I thought of all the people it could help. Those who use their middle name, those who like to be known as Mrs or Mr, people with a shortened name and those who are currently transitioning from one gender to another - the possibilities are endless.

"It's not restricted to patients. My preferred name is Laura, but my Matron, Frances Howland's #CallMe name is Fran. To be honest she's my cheerleader and and all-round amazing person.

“I searched on the web and only one other trust had a similar idea, so I took the idea to my manager at the time and then in turn to Deputy Chief Nurse, Jo Middleton.

“They must have agreed as I was asked to speak at one of the leadership briefings and the idea then took off from there."

It turned out Laura wasn’t alone, as others have picked up on the campaign started by Worcestershire Hospital, including NHS England.

#CallMe ensures that people are addressed by the name they prefer every time, everywhere in healthcare.

Laura added: “It is a real passion of mine to recognise everyone as individuals and ensure their wishes are appreciated and recognised. This is just a simple way we can do this.”

Deputy Chief Nurse, Jo Middleton, said: "We are so delighted that this initiative to support the delivery of patient-centred care has been developed.

"Laura identified this as a really important factor in putting our patients at ease and helping colleagues with a person-centred approach. She has been an amazing ambassador for this change and has driven it with passion, enthusiasm and tenacity. We are incredibly grateful for her commitment to this project and for taking the lead in developing something that is now being adopted across the organisation.

"Laura’s approach personifies the idea of leadership in every seat and we cant wait to see what her next project is!"

SOP now in Powerchart

The SOP gives guidance on how to add preferred name to a patent's electronic patient record.

Find it here or on the EPR SOP repository.