Deputy Medical Director and Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Neeraj Bhasin, has shared his personal story, including his passion for making a difference in healthcare in West Yorkshire, on the Rangoli Radio Role Model show.

The radio show, which serves the Hindu community, celebrates individuals who have become role models through their achievements and contributions to society. Neeraj recounted his story, including how he became a surgeon after his sister convinced him not to become a dental surgeon, as well as his charity work with The Cricket Asylum Foundation and the Circulation Foundation.

Neeraj said during the show: “I recall vividly the first time I saw an Asian influence in mainstream music. It was incredible and gave me some sort of acceptance and made me feel comfortable in my own skin.

“My favourite music genre is 90s dance music and especially Fat Boy Slim (AKA Norman Cook), so this remix of Brimful of Asher, Norman Cook remix, by Cornershop, combines my love of both."

You can listen to the radio show using this link: 38 Rangoli Role Model with Neeraj Bhasin - 10 Feb 2024.mp3 - Google Drive