Physiotherapist, Bethan Davies, is 'over the moon' to have successfully scaled Mount Kilimanjaro with boyfriend, Mikie. Earlier this month, the pair made it to the top of the highest free-standing mountain in the world (5,895m), raising than £1,300 for Overgate Hospice and Alzheimer's Society in the process. 

Bethan said: "We’re over the moon we both made it to the top (avoided altitude sickness) and had an incredible time!

"The hardest part was definitely the descent off the mountain having summitted as you totally forget just how high you have climbed up, and that you have to get back down again! Once the adrenaline of summiting wore off all I wanted was a nice hot shower and drink to celebrate! For me just the goal/dream of getting to the summit was enough to keep me going.. Mikie on the other hand relied on fruit jellies! We did a sunrise summit so trekked under head-torchlight from midnight in the freezing cold.

"The whole experience was incredible and i would do it again but to be honest we’d rather go somewhere different if we get the opportunity again - such as Mount Fuji or Machu Picchu via the Inca Trail which are on the bucket list!

"The trip in three words: Dream come true!"