Meet our Public Health Registrar, Rachel Westbourne, in our latest Hello my name is article. When she's not curled up with her cats, crocheting or climbing, she supports the delivery of our Health Inequalities Strategy. 

Hello, my name is Rachel Westbourne and I'm a Public Health Registrar (trainee consultant), working for CHFT one day a week as Public Health Lead.

I first joined CHFT in 2022 on a training placement to support the work happening around health inequalities, which included producing the Trust’s Population Health and Inequalities Strategy. I support delivery of the strategy and the work of Health Inequalities group.

I’m lucky to have done training placements in lots of different organisations including local authorities, health protection, and the Civil Service. I’m also currently undertaking a Leadership Fellowship with NHSE. Before I joined public health training, I worked in public health and intelligence in local government.

What is the highlight of your career so far?

Probably both the highlight and most challenging time was the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. I worked on projects to increase community support and to promote vaccine rollout and uptake. It was also the first time that my friends and family understood a little bit about what my job is!

Can you sum up your role in three words?

Promoting health equity

What did you want to be growing up?

Many different things, I think I changed my mind a lot (or maybe just didn’t want to “grow up”…)

When you are not at work, how do you relax? 

Mainly spending time with my partner, friends, and two cats (who you might meet if you’re ever in a Teams meeting with me). They are called Camus and Hobbes, and named after philosophers because me and my partner both studied philosophy once upon a time! I love getting outdoors for a walk or hike (preferably ending at a nice pub), but also like staying in with a good book or board game.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I’m a crocheter and a climber (but not at the same time…).

Article Attachments
Rachel's cats Camus and Hobbes - having a snooze and a think on the couch
Rachel's cats Camus and Hobbes - having a snooze and a think on the couch